
Vladas Rimkus Dalia Karlaitė


Tendencies of the Lithuanian dairy produce and export in the context of global economic crisis are the main subjects of this paper. The present article provides information on dairy produce, prices and export trends, evolution of the dairy production’s importance in export of agricultural and food products in general. The article reviews main macro-economic and specific factors that influenced changes in dairy produce and export. The article reveals the impact of such factors as lower purchase prices of raw milk, relatively lower direct payments for dairy products than in other agricultural sectors, increased prices of energy resources, contraction of traditional export markets during the period of global economic crisis. The drought in 2006 determined the following consequences: increased prices of foodstuffs due to higher prices of feed. Feed prices also increased due to higher prices of energy resources. The latest data show that the Lithuanian dairy industry is one of the most stable industries and the fastest in recovering after the global economic crisis.

