Beer production enteprises corporate social responsibility research in colleges
The article analyzes the concept of corporate social responsibility, more importantly, corporate social responsibility in Lithuanian politics. Many references are given according to the main reasons why CSR issues are of strategic importance: it is a natural stage of development organizations in the light of changing public expectations; exhaustion of natural resources have become the limiting factor in the development activities; environmental problems have become global in scale; there is a growing health problem; the social, environmental and economic factors associated with each other create instability and insecurity; security of energy supply is becoming a critical issue; sustainable development principles may lead to more positive outcomes than planned in advance. Empirical research has shown that the public should be more familiar with the concept of corporate social responsibility. The public is more aware of the brewing companies in the public interest. By its nature, engaged in irresponsible companies, it is, therefore, appropriate to develop corporate social responsibility. Most respondents said they have not heard about the social responsibility programs. Thus, it is necessary to inform them about this phenomenon in the future. Respondents positively evaluated measures, such as environmental protection, participation in social activities and diverse support (sports, cultural events, etc.). According to the respondents, the public and the authorities are able to influence corporate social responsibility. The main reasons for promoting corporate social responsibility are a better company’sreputation resulting from the “free advertising”, customer loyalty and increase of the financial benefits of the company.
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