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Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • the title of a paper.
  • authors names and surnames.
  • affiliation institutions which the authors represent, they post and e-mail addresses.
  • the abstract (600–1200 symbols) in the same language as the paper.
  • the list of keywords (4-6 main words or concepts) and JEL index.
  • the introduction (include research objectives and it‘s aim, applying methods, review of literature sources, and other common premises).
  • the body of a paper presenting the results of research. The text may be divided into chapters and smaller units (for example 2.; 2.1.; 2.2.1.;) with suitable titles (article form to fill )
  • the conclusions or generalizations.
  • the appendices (if it is necessary).
  • the list of references formed following the presented example . The list of references is arranged alphabetically and for the same author chronologically. All cited references must be listed and, vice versa, the list of references must include only those cited in the text. Only the sources that have been published or are in press should be included in the list of references
  • By end of the article the title of paper, full names of authors, the names of affiliation institutions, summary, keywords of the paper written in Lithuanian should be presented also in English.
  • The manuscript should not exceed 30 000 and the summary 2 000 characters.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Submission of manuscripts

Authors should submit electronic copies of the manuscript prepared by using MS Word program with Times New Roman fonts, 12 pt size. The text of the article should be 1, 5-spaced throughout. The manuscript should not exceed 30 000 and the summary 2 000 characters.


The authors‘details: name, surname, institutional affiliation of the authors and their addresses, phone, fax, e-mail address must be submitted. Please indicate the person responsible for correspondence with Editorial Board, if number of authors is more than one. 

Online submissions into OJS (Open Journal System). Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.

Figures (pictures, charts, and diagrams) and tables should be put in the place of the text near where they are first referred to. Large tables and figures may be put at the top of the sheet. Figures are drawn by computer and additionally should be submitted on the separate files of the disk. The width of figures and tables should be 80 mm or not exceed 165 mm. Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in order of their appearance in the text with titles at the bottom of pictures and at the top for tables. Most suitable graphical formats include: *.jpg, *, *.bmp and Excel.

The references should be cited in the text with authors‘ surnames and the date of publication in round brackets, e.g., (Adams, 2010).

Every article will be reviewed by two members of Editorial Board or by its appointed experts. Authors should correct the manuscript accepted for publishing taking into account the remarks of reviewers and editors or the why they have been disregarded. The electronic copy of the corrected paper are to be presented to Editorial Board no later than two week after obtaining the review.

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.