About the Journal

Aim. The major aims of the scientific journal Baltic Environment are to promote new approaches of environmental policy and management in different social, ecological and economical contexts; to analyze and assess Baltic region environmental and sustainable development, its problems and solutions, perspectives and challenges; to promote scientific dialogues between stakeholders: researchers, government, municipality, industry, business, public and non-governmental organizations that manage and have the practical solutions to environmental questions in the Baltic region; to develop interdisciplinary research in different fields of environmental management and protection.
Format of publication. Main topics of the Journal concern environmental policy, legislation and governance; environmental planning and management; regional climate change policies; intersectoral environmental conservation aspects; environmental assessment and its application; sustainable development of the Baltic region; environment impacts on human health; environment and social economical interactions modeling; sustainability of landscape planning and management; territorial planning, regional and urban development; human activities impact on the environment; Baltic Sea and its catchment area protection; environmental problems perception; social and economical aspects of environmental conservation and management, etc.
Periodicity. Journal is issued semi-annually. Articles are published in Lithuanian and English.
Peer review. Submitted articles are reviewed by applying the double-blind method (the identities of the author(s) and reviewers are kept unknown). Each article is appointed at least two referees (scientists with a degree in the relevant field).
The journal is the predecessor of annually published research papers Strategy and Practice of Sustainable Development, which has been published since 2006.
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