
Valentinas Tumas Antanas Janušauskas


New problems of public security in Lithuania draw attention to the fact that management of information as a traditional technique of police work is changing: modern social conflicts attracting police attention are much more difficult to manage because of the variety of information and sources to get them. Problem of migration, crossborder crime, road safety, crime prevention, and international cooperation are getting more important. This paper presents current issues related to national security, which occur in Lithuania in the process of globalization. This article aims to reveal the major threats emerging regional security and sought a proposal from the law enforcement authorities’ activities of overall coordination, discussed priority areas of cooperation. A state as an organization is required through the creation of relevant institutions and operational procedures, to ensure order and security throughout its territory, to protect its citizens from threats. The author presents the solutions to border management, which significantly affect the security of the state, and therefore a sense of security for citizens.

