
Danguolė Seniutienė


This article presents a framework of issues of security/insecurity in the context of evolution of societies, particularly European society underlining some of the consequences on the perception of quality of life for citizens. Phenomenon in the case of Europeans is now viewed with concern, largely the result of the effects of the intersection of globalization of economies and globalization of markets with the deepening (or not) of the European integration process. Globalization affects people’s lives in many states; nevertheless, the ongoing changes do not after the system of the hierarchy of human need: the most important needs of each person are needs for security and welfare1 Economic and political integration, the European Union being the most advanced example, have necessitated a concomitant integration, harmonization and cooperation among laws, policies and agencies. In the EU, this now means working in an increasingly borderless “Schengen space.”
Some issues mentioned here, open avenues for possible guidelines for future security operation in the European context, launching the possibility of new alignments within the Community context and with a background of the decrease in uncertainty as a determinant factor of positive perception of the quality of citizens life.

