
Gediminas BUČIŪNAS


Officials and employees of pre-trial investigation bodies and other state institutions are constantly faced with various types of challenges, both in the prevention and investigation of violations of law and criminal offences, as well as in the reorganization of institutions. All of these challenges give rise to greater or lesser debate at both institutional and inter-institutional level, and quite often involve the public in the planned changes in the security field. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which is a psychological idea proposed by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow in his 1943 article 'A Theory of Human Motivation' in the Psychological Review, the need for security is one of the most fundamental in the hierarchy of human needs. This explains the fierce debates that arise about the planned reforms in one or other of the state-controlled sectors and public institutions. Thus, when raising the question of reform or don’t reform an institution related to public security, a thorough discussion involving the staff of the institution to be reformed is necessary. In one situation, the same factor may have a minimal impact on the need for security, in another situation the same factor may become a major factor. Thus, the question of reform cannot, stop or reform, cannot stop becomes very relevant. It becomes very difficult to answer this question unequivocally, and in the context of the question posed, even the position of the punctuation mark can determine the answer, and of course the sequence of actions to achieve the goal. The subject of this research is the reorganization of Public Security Service under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania. The objectives of the reorganization of service are: (a) to ensure national security; (b) to optimize the functions performed by the Public Security Service and the Lithuanian Police; (c) to improve the efficiency of the management of the institution's structural units and their communication with each other in order to solve the set tasks; (d) to rationalize the use of
material, financial and human resources allocated to the institutions. The provisions on the reorganization of the Public Security Service, as expressed by the legislator and the leadership of the Ministry of the Interior, have given rise to a lot of debate in various circles of society. This has prompted the author of this study to analyze the envisaged reorganization from a geopolitical, international humanitarian law and constitutional law perspective.

