Norėdami pateikti straipsnį, turite užsiregistruoti.

Paraiškos paruošimo sąrašas

Prieš tęsdami turite perskaityti ir patvirtinti, kad įvykdėte žemiau nurodytus reikalavimus.

Author Guidelines

Set out for authors the bibliographic and formatting standards used for items submitted to the journal (e.g., Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edition, 2001). It is often helpful to provide examples of the common citation formats for journals and books to be used in submissions. Also identify the types of appropriate Supplementary Files (e.g., data-sets, research instruments, etc.) which authors should be encouraged to upload, in addition to their submission, to enhance readers' engagement with their work.

Jūsų pateikiami asmens duomenys šiame tinklalapyje bus naudojami tik mokslo žurnalo leidybos tikslais, neatskleidžiant jų tretiesiems asmenims.