
Airina Savickaitė


Purpose – This article presents the results of distance learning system analysis, i.e. the critical elements of the distance learning system. The critical points of distance learning are a part of distance education online environment interactivity/community process model. The most important is the fact that the critical point is associated with distance learning participants.
Design/methodology/approach – Comparative review of articles and analysis of distance learning module.
Findings – A modern man is a lifelong learner and distance learning is a way to be a modern person. The focus on a learner and feedback is the most important thing of learning distance system. Also, attention should be paid to the lecture-appropriate knowledge and ability to convey information. Distance system adaptation is the way to improve the learner’s learning outcomes.
Research limitations/implications – Different learning disciplines and learning methods may have different critical points.
Practical implications – The information of analysis could be important for both lecturers and students, who studies distance education systems. There are familiar critical points which may deteriorate the quality of learning.
Originality/value – The study sought to develop remote systems for applications in order to improve the quality of knowledge.
Keywords: distance learning, process model, critical points.
Research type: review of literature and general overview.

