
Gintautas Katulis Rasa Pilkauskaitė Valickienė


Implementing outdoor adventure education (OAE) programs with school pupils brings
unique challenges and outcomes. However, no previous review on OAE programs has focused on
the classroom cohort. We systematically reviewed quantitative research of OAE programs in schools
regarding outcomes, program types, and methodology. Data were collected from 7 databases using
a syntax representing concepts of OAE and schools. Out of the 3,535 articles found, 8 were selected.
These results reveal methodological limitations such as no control group, vague program description,
and questionable time of measurements. The reviewed research measured 16 different outcomes
and revealed ambiguous results. OAE shows the potential to improve cohesion in student groups
and students’ self-efficacy; however, more rigorous research with classes that remain intact after the
program ends is needed. Overall, OAE programs may benefit various aspects of a pupil’s life, but it
is crucial to have a clear direction of where the program leads.

