
Alvydas Raipa


This article analyses the impact of public governance evolution to social problems resolving in society. The main aim of the paper is to discuss the assesment problems of new public management evolution process to new public governance. The main objectives of the study case are: to decribe new public management positive impact to public sector efficiency and to explane disfunctions going from decentralization, marketization and segmentation processes in the public sector, hyper promotion of competition in the provision of public services. Notwithstanding these problems, though the new public management does still stand as the dominant public management paradigm across the world, however today it is transforming into the new public governance doctrine. New Public Governance ideology move to new governance priorities—to spread ideas of social responsibility in the public organization, to institute new forms of citizen control and public participation in social problem decision making, implementation and evaluation processes, to improve transformation to a new level of social welfare policy environment. Finally, the identification of the methodological instruments to be used in new public governance and in social policy should define the main tendencies to improving structural economic, social reforms in the context of new features encompassing social sustainability.

