
Rasa Pilkauskaitė-Valickienė Rita Žukauskienė


The purpose of this paper is to reveal how participation in school activities of adolescents is changing through the period of four years. The data used in this paper is from a larger four year longitudinal project on Positive Youth Development (2008-2011). Student participants were drawn from eight high schools in the administrative region of Klaipėda, Lithuania. The same participants were surveyed annually. For analysis of participation in school activities development, we used data from four assessments of the youngest cohort (N=745, M=15,4, SD=0,54 during Time 1). To measure participation in School Activities annually we used the Participation in School Activities scale, based on P. Noack’s study (2003) and modified for Lithuanian adolescents by the authors of the project. The results of a Mixed between-within subject analysis of variance revealed that time effect was non-significant, but the effect of gender was significant, and the interaction effect between time and gender was insignificant as well. Stability of the trajectory of participation in school activities could be explained by the fact that various activities at school are well known to the adolescents, they know what activities are acceptable and in which of them they can reveal themselves, thus time is not devoted to exploration of new activities or they lack time.

