
Jolanta Pivorienė Vaida Miliauskienė


The aim of the article is to find out what are the peculiarities among children at risk and their parents.
Objectives: to examine relations among children at risk and their parents from the children’s‘ point of view and parents point of view; to identify the types of these relations, reveal the peculiarities of determining factors that condition the children’s‘ behavior. Methods of the research: scientific literary analysis, survey, analysis of statistical data, done on the basis of the package of programs „SPSS_ 10”.
The focal attention of this work was set on the examination of dominant parents’ attitude towards their children and children’s attitude towards their parents. A cluster analysis was done to identify the dominant types of parents. The main analyzed components of children and parent relations were: “not demanding – demanding”, “tenderness – rigor”, “autonomy – control”, “emotional frigidity – emotional proximity”, “alienation – acceptance”, “cooperation – absence of cooperation “, “consensus – variance “, “consistency – inconsistence”, “parent authoritatively – reciprocity satisfaction”.
The main conclusion of this work is that empirical research had revealed positive tendencies of children and parent relations. Parents asked to characterize their relations with children emphasize tenderness, emotional proximity, cooperation and reciprocity satisfaction. Children asked to characterize their relations with parents emphasize tenderness, emotional proximity, cooperation and parent authoritatively.
This research shows that “risk” doesn’t depend on the interactions in the family.

