
Angelė Danutė Čepėnaitė


Old age is a natural period of human life. For a long time the old persons have not been sufficiently appreciated. This was influenced by a social myth that this period of life is ineffective and that old persons may not contrubute to increasing the resources of the society. The existence of the myth was also influenced by a social theory of disengagement.
The changes in socio-economical conditions of the life of the society, especially demographic changes, have determined the need to make deeper investigations and reassess the situation and possibilities of the elderly people. A new social theory on the issues of aging– activity theory appeared (Havighurst R. J.). It is widely recognized in the current period of human development, which is characterized by the problem of global aging.
The EU social policy is based on Lisbon strategy (2000), the recommendations on the issues of elderly and resolutions of international institutions.
Facing the challenges of global aging, along with other EU countries Lithuania has adopted the legislation as well as certain other means to guarantee active participation of elderly people in the life of the society. The results of implementation of such measures are particularly successful in Lithuania.
The notion of elderly activity promotes the process of social participation and empowerment of elderly in real life, enhancing civil activity of the society.
The attitude of active participation of the elderly in community life promotes the process of social participation and empowerment of elderly in real life, raising development of democratic citizenship of the society.

