
Alvydas Raipa


The purpose of this article is to analyse theoretical - methodological aspects of preparing public organization for the implementation of transformational changes and improvement of organizational performance, establishing the preparing complexity in organization strategy directions. The process of preparing public organization for accept change includes many elements: analysis of internal and external environment, identification of different theoretic attitudes for improving organizational performance methodology, typology of changes and best modern governance practice cases.
The main article tasks are to except the impact features of global changes to public sector organization development and to identify the role of organizational culture and successful leadership ensuring the implementation of strategy tasks. The essential ingredients of preparing public organization to accept change are: quality of global change analysis, identification the need for modernization, reform and innovation, creation capabilities to improve performance management in all kinds and levels of governance structures. Additionally, preparing to accept change requires development of new forms and levels of organizational leadership regulatory responsibilities, creation of new governance strategies and implementation of modern control methods. Public sector organizations in achieving the goals use network based strategies as modern sophisticated form of strategic governance.
Article describes preparing public organization to accept change partly as the product of innovation installing in public governance. To understand the change typology and decomposition and its role in public governance modernization, from staff and all level organization managers requires improving administration creativity, getting the abilities to install radical changes, avoiding risk and preparing new models for recovering change governance process.


Performance Improvement in Public Sector Organizations