Projection and Implementation of Total Quality Management Systems within the Textile Production
In this paper, the need to design and implement a system of total quality management (TQM) in the “Textile-logistics center”, which deals with service activity in the textile industry in Macedonia, is being elaborated and confirmed. Quality should be sought not only within the production process and products, but also in all segments of the business processes, even in the employees’ manner behavior. Based on the conducted analysis of the existing quality system, an appropriate methodology has been designed for each feature of TQM philosophy. In order to design the quality system, the QC-CE-Pyramid model has been applied, according to which the system should be realized through the Deming’s circle (PDCA), as well as the Ishikava approach (i.e., who, what, when, where), which fits the pyramid hierarchy of the company. Through the QC-CE quality model, the obligations and responsibilities of all employees have been defined. Thus, rules of conduct as well as good interpersonal relationships have been established. The application of the methods and techniques for faultless operations has provided both greater efficiency and effectiveness in the company. The benefits from the use of the methods and techniques resulted in meeting the needs of the customers, strengthening the company’s place at the market, employees’ satisfaction, as well as improvement of the community.
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