This article is devoted to the study of the role of gender equality in the context of national security, taking into account modern world trends. We investigate how the implementation of equal opportunities for all gender groups can affect the stability and security of society. Analysis of the impact of gender equality on national security covers various spheres of life – from politics and economics to peacekeeping and the fight against terrorism. Theoretical approaches to defining the essence of the concept of “national security”, which is considered by scientists as a multi-level system of dependencies of various kinds, which are at different levels of perception, have been studied, and the author’s definition of the essence of the concept has been provided. In addition, gender gaps in security and defense are addressed, highlighting the importance of gender-sensitive leadership in peacekeeping missions. It is emphasized that in order to achieve gender equality, it is necessary not only to increase the representation of women, but also to create conditions so that they can effectively perform their duties and overcome possible discrimination. The role of gender-sensitive leadership in peacekeeping missions has been established and it is stated that increasing the number of women in peace-management operations contributes to the fight against the patriarchal environment, which is hostile to the presence of women in such operations. It was established that insufficient consideration of gender aspects in the strategies, policies and procedures of the security and defense sector, gender imbalance at the level of decision-making, professional gender segregation, the infrastructure of the sector does not fully meet the needs of women, the procurement and provision of equipment and uniforms does not take into account gender aspects, Gender challenge shave been found, in particular the partial inconsistency of the administrative and economic working conditions of male service members and female service members, as well as recommendations for overcoming gender problems and gaps have been developed. The possibility of reducing conflicts through the involvement of women in decision-making processes, the role of women's peace initiatives in reducing violence have been analyzed. Proposals were made to improve the regulatory framework of the security and defense sector to ensure gender equality and eliminate differences in the status positions of women and men – military personnel. The impact of stereotypes and inequality on radicalization and terrorism is also explored. Overall, the article highlights the importance of promoting gender equality as a key factor in achieving national security and stability in today’s geopolitical context.
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