
Ondřej Kolář Štěpán Strnad


The article is not only focused on work with inmates, but mainly on monitoring of radicalization of inmates, same like possibilities of their placement in frame of prisons facilities in the Czech Republic. It provides a basic awareness about models of implacement radicalized person so these models are used in other EU states which have a huge experience in this field. Every from described model has advantages and disadventages. It is not easy to say which model is the best for using. The most important factor which must be take account of inmates placement is respect the law mainly the Law of imprisonment. 

It is obvious that Prison service of the Czech Republic has not so many radicalized inmates which they would need specific treatment plans in this area, on the other hand, it is necessary to be prepared for future possibility that a problem with radicalization of inmates would will be on higher level than today. Very important role in monitoring of radicalization tendencies among inmates plays education of prison staff mainly professional staff Department of imprisonment. In Czech Republic is this type of education provided on Police Academy of the Czech Republic in Prague where was prepared three day course for employees of Prison service of the Czech Republic. The course is focused on manifestations of extremism and radicalization process inside prison facilities and lecturers of this educational programme obtain not only basic information about these problems but they will acquire knowledge how to work with analytic tool SAIRO (summary analyse of indicators inmate´s radicalization). Currently is SAIRO used in every prison facility. This tool is result of good cooperation between academic and practical level primarily National central against organized crime, Prison service and Police academy in Prague.

Prisons are very vulnerable environment and knowledge about radicalization there will play important role during incarceration of persons especially for prison staff which is responsible for fulfilling their treatment plans.

