
Rasa Dobržinskienė


Public speech represents a highly important factor of communication in modern society. The following 2 different terms are used for this purpose in Lithuanian language – public speech (lith.: viešoji kalba) and public speaking (lith.: viešasis kalbėjimas). Although they sound similar and often are used as synonymous, they slightly differ in meaning. Public speaking is a wider concept, covering both spoken and written texts, whereas public speech deals with only spoken ones. It is suitable for discussion of academic speeches of students. Academic speeches represent one of the types of public speeches based on topics and field of activity of the speaker.

With the aim to find out the attitude of students towards public speeches and their feelings experienced while speaking a questionnaire survey was conducted involving the 2nd year students studying under the study program on Law and Pretrial Investigation in the Faculty of Public Security of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU). This survey showed the major concern to arise due to audience and this emotion is mostly experienced right before saying the public speech or in its course. Some of respondents reported their anxiety to disappear once they finish their public speech. Respondents also reported various uncontrollable physiological experiences such as irritability, worry. Investigation showed that despite the selected specialty there are very few students willing to talk in public. Very limited number of them tends to experience pleasant feelings while standing in front of the audience and talking.

