
Rūta Adamonienė Jolanta Solnyškinienė


In a small business, personal initiative and responsibility for end business results of each individual employee are important. The methodologies used in large businesses that encourage employees to economize company’s resources and take more responsibility of their work do not work in small businesses. This gives rise to a problem for scientists solve. Solving this problem would assist business consultants in applying appropriate entrepreneurship methodologies to stimulate responsible behavior in work environment. The aim of the study is to formulate the criteria of entrepreneurship development methodologies selection after revealing entrepreneurship development assumptions. As a context of the study, a description of entrepreneurship provided in the European Parliament and Board Recommendations on common long-life learning abilities (2006/962/EB) was chosen – „an entrepreneurial attitude is characterized by initiative, pro-activity, independence and innovation in personal and social life, as much as at work”.

In this publication, authors present the entrepreneurship development tendencies, entrepreneurial activity and social responsibility connection as well as entrepreneurship development methods selection criteria which were identified during the study conducted in Lithuania during years 2011 to 2014.

