
Pavlo Burak Žaneta Simanavičienė


The economic security of the country is a comparatively young science, which, until now, has attracted the insufficient number of researchers. Often an understanding of this area of scientific knowledge is post factum when threats to the country's economy have already occurred. Nowadays, one of the main prerogatives of the country should be economic security. It is the basis for the national security and development of the country. Because of the rapid development of the world, the risks of economic security are also constantly changing. For any country, it is important to identify and minimize these risks in time. The purpose of the research is to identify assessment on the impact of country’s risks on the economic security of Ukraine. In this paper, the main definitions and theories of national economic security, main risks of economic security in Ukraine, and their impact on the country’s economy, as well as ways to prevent risks to economic security have been considered. In the future it is planned to analyze the methods for combating problems which were considered in the research used in reality and to create more effective measures to reduce the degree of country’s risks on the economic security of Ukraine.

