
Zaneta Simanaviciene Aida Navikaite-Varanaviciene


It is worth noting that the worldwide healthcare system faces such global problems like increasing costs, rising infectious diseases, consumerism, ageing societies. What is interesting, nowadays society is very responsible regarding the health, hence, self-management is becoming prevalent. Hence, the omnipresent Internet access fosters the transformation from conventional healthcare system to modern one.  Moreover, after the comprehensive academic literature examination it appeared that the field of eHealth implementation, especially, what factors can influence the eHealth use, is highly unexplored. It seems a little bit incomprehensible that giving such fundamental practical significance of eHealth use, researches come short in this particular field. Therefore, this article aims to close the academic gap in the field of factors influencing customer behaviour in eHealth use. Hence, the object of the study: factors influencing customer behaviour in eHealth use. The objectives of the study are: firstly, to examine the factors influencing customer behaviour in eHealth use, secondly, to present the benefits of the factors influencing customer behaviour in eHealth use. The methods applied: logical and comparative analysis of literature, academic literature synthesis

