


National identity is usually based on certain features, which enable an individual to perceive his/her national identity. In addition to culture, customs, traditions, a defined territory, a shared history, etc., language is a strong basis for an individual’s identification with a certain ethnic group. Language is considered to be the most universal means of communication as it helps us to convey the content of information when communicating. However, accelerating globalization affects even the use of a national language and, thus, the younger generation is often more focused on the dissemination of information in English. As a result, it seems that the native language is pushed aside, and little significance is given to its correctness. National identity and the use of national language are extremely important for representatives of certain professions, for example, statutory officers, soldiers, and specialists of law because clarity and logic are some of the most important elements in legal documents to comprehensively render the content. Therefore, the article aims to reveal the attitudes of the students of the Public Security Academy of Mykolas Romeris University towards the significance and place of national language and national identity in modern society as well as the importance of language skills for professional career. The survey results revealed that many young people associate national identity with their native language and culture, and find common links between them.

