
Darius Sosnovskis


The seizure of the object which has been the tool or a direct object and of the income which was derived from administrative law infringement is one kind of administrative penalties. In the article 26 of the Administrative Code it is said that objects and income can be seized irrespective of who is the owner of the object (the offender or any other individual). Some exceptions are allowed in the Administrative Code and in other laws. The Code of Civil Procedure systematically provides for rules which forbid a recovery from particular debtor’s assets. There are some disputes on the right to property and on the seizure in practice. Traditionally, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania solved these disputes by two decisions. The Constitutional Court stated that the right to property is not the absolute right and it can be restricted by laws as the result of infringement of public interests. There has to be a proportion between the legitimate interests of a person and the needs of society. With regard to case law the article 26 of Administrative Code conforms to the article 23 of Constitution and European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

