
Margarita Išoraitė


In this article, by referencing scientific literature, human resources are analyzed as a key competitive advantage for the formation and management of strategic organization. This article analyzes the theoretical aspects of human resource management, the competitive advantages, and examines human resource strategic management theoretical models. According to scientific literature human resources management is not just the hiring and firing of personnel or social welfare. Human resources allow an organization to achieve its strategic objectives. Also, this article states that human resources are a competitive element, which is the most difficult to copy in an organization. The criteria of competitive advantage in human resources is strategically valuable, resources have a real advantage, they cannot be copied, rare, a unique competitive advantage. Human resource competitors recognize as important competitive advantage, which they cannot copy. Formation of the human resource management strategy follows such principles: 1. Institutions of philosophy, culture recognize human resources management strategy is one of the elements, which each must be aligned to. 2. Institutions and human resource management strategy must adapt, because human resource strategy is important for the institution strategy. 3. Human resource management strategy highlights the social objectives of the staff. 4. Human resource management strategy includes: safe working and social conditions of production and protection, work arrangements among different groups of staff—managers, professionals, workers' protection, owners or shareholders and staff coordination of interests, optimizing the potential of staff, emphasizing the priority of workers' interests, emphasizing the social dimension of the issue, reasons of staff productivity and efficiency.

