About the Journal
Aim. Research journal Societal Studies aims to promote a scientific dialogue between scholars worldwide; analyze social problems specific to the national situation and to global environment; promote innovative research areas; develop interdisciplinary research of Social Sciences and the Humanities.
Format of publication. The research articles on theoretical and practical problems relating to various traditional areas of Social Sciences (Law, Economics, Management, Administration, Politology, Sociology, Psychology, Education Science, Social Informatics, etc.) and of the Humanities (Philology; History, Philosophy, Theology and Culture Studies; Art Studies, etc.) as well as to newly-structured broad fields of study (Area Studies: African, American, Asian, Australian and European Studies, Cultural and Media Studies, etc.) and to trans-disciplinary research areas (Migration Studies, Studies into Culture and Technology, etc.).
Periodicity. The research journal Societal Studies is published twice a year; original and previously unpublished scholarly articles, written in Lithuanian, English, German or French or, by a separate permission of the board of editors, an article may be published in a language different from the above.
Peer review. Submitted articles are reviewed by applying the double-blind method (the identities of the author(s) and reviewers are kept unknown). Each article is appointed at least two referees (scientists with a degree in the relevant field).
Indexation. The academic journal Societal Studies is included in the EBSCO Publishing, Inc., C.E.E.O.L., international databases.
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