All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The authors should present electronic version of the articles in doc and pdf formats. Text prepared by Microsoft Word program letters should be Times New Roman 12 pt, line spacing single, A4 size paper format with 20 mm margins. Title (main and in summary) bolded. Summary and bibliography letters should be Times New Roman 10 pt, line spacing single. For more accurate requirements see article form.
- Volume of the article 10000-40000 characters with spaces (To check the amount: select the part of the article described above and go Tools/Word count/Characters (with spaces)).
- On a separate file should be name and surname of the author(s), an institution (scholarly or other) the author(s) is representing, country, e-mail address and mobile phone number provided. This data is necessary for fluent communication between authors and administration of the journal.
- Pictures, schemes, diagrams, tables and photographs should be presented in a separate electronic media. Pictures, schemes, diagrams, tables and photographs printed at the place of reference in the text. Large graphic files could be placed at the top or the bottom of a page, or at the bottom, fully stretching across the page. The width of the pictures, schemes, diagrams, tables should not be over 84 mm (per column) or 175 mm (per page). The best suitable formats of graphic files: Tagged Image Format File (TIFF), Word for Windows, Corel Draw, Excel. Photographs (color and monochrome) must be of good quality, sharp and suitable for reproduction. Pictures, schemes, diagrams, tables and photographs are numbered in an alphabetical order. Titles of pictures, schemes, diagrams, and photographs are indicated at their bottom, and titles of tables are placed at the top.
- An article should be reviewed by at least two active scholars appointed by the board of editors. The reviewers are appointed confidentially. The author(s) must correct an accredited article in accordance with the commentaries of the reviewers and editors or provide a substantiated explanation, why they have not been incorporated. The corrected version of an article should be provided to the board of editors not later than in two weeks after the reception of the review.
If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
Author Guidelines
General information
The periodical, issued twice per year scientific journal „Social Technologies” publishes articles which analyses application of social technologies in defending human rights, implementing e-justice, safety of a person and community, increasing internal functionality of society and communication, distributed teaching and education, health systems solutions, leisure time organization and creation of other social goods and encourage scientific research in the field mentioned. Systematic analysis of technical, legal, political, economical, psychological and social obstacles preventing more effective adaption of information, communication and new (nano-, bio-, mega-) technologies in social life is in demand.
„Social Technologies” publishes original and previously unpublished scholarly articles, written in Lithuanian and English languages. Upon a separate permission of the board of editors an article may be published also in a different language.
Research paper
The scientific research paper involves the construction or testing of a model or framework, action research, market research or surveys, empirical, scientific or clinical research.
The scientific research paper where content depends on author’s opinion or interpretation.
Technical paper
The scientific research paper describing and evaluating technical products, processes and services.
Conceptual paper
The scientific research paper based on developing and testing hypothesis.
Case study
The scientific research paper describing actual situations and experiences within the organizations.
Literature review
The scientific research paper concentrating on annotating and/or criticizing the literature in a particular subject area.
General review
The scientific research paper providing a general overview or historical examination of some concept, technique or phenomena.
Article structure:
- The title of an article. - Name and surname of the author(s), an institution (scholarly or other) the author(s) is representing, country, e-mail address. - Abstract. Not less 3000 characters with spaces (To check the amount: select the part of the article described above and go Tools/Word count/Characters (with spaces)). Abstract consists of these parts: Purpose; Design/methodology/approach; Findings; Research limitations/implications; Practical implications; Originality/Value; Keywords; Research type. Abstract form for filling is presented in the same file with the form for article. - Introduction (It should address the topicality of the topic of the article, identify the purpose of the scholarly analysis, its object, applied methods and prior coverage of the issue). - The main text of the article - the analysis of scholarly research. It is recommended to divide the text into parts and subparts (e.g. 1.2.1., 2.2.1., etc.). Article form with remarks
Article form to fill - The article should be finalized with conclusions summarizing considerations or solutions – substantiated results of the research and recommendations should be provided. - All sources referred to in the article should be provided in the list of bibliography at the end of the article. The bibliography should follow the conclusions in an alphabetical order. References in the main text should be made in footnotes, numbered consecutively in Arabic numbers, at the bottom of each page providing the bibliographic references of the cited source. It is advisable that the authors use newest scholarly sources (published in last five years) and at least five of them should be published in publications included in recognized international data bases. The bibliography and inclusion of references in the main text should be made according APA (American Psychological Association) style rules. - If an article is published in Lithuanian, it should be followed by a detailed summary (3000 symbols, i.e. at least one page long) and keywords in English. If an article is published in English, it should be followed by a detailed summary (3000 symbols, i.e. at least one page long) and keywords in Lithuanian. The summary must reflect all issues analyzed in an article, its conclusions and recommendations.
- All manuscripts are checked with plagiarism revise tool "CrossCheck".
Copyright Notice
The Author grants to the Publisher the exclusive right and licence to publish this Article without remuneration until the expiry of the economic rights: to reproduce the article in print and digital form, including its publication; to disseminate the original version of the Article or its copies in Lithuania and foreign countries; to translate the Article; to publish the article, including making it publicly available via computer networks; to reproduce and publish the Article in Lithuanian and foreign databases; to licence usage of the Article in ways described in this paragraph.
The Author warrants that the economic rights of the Author have not been assigned or granted to third parties, that the Article has not been published so far and is not under consideration of being published elsewhere.
The Author warrants that the Article does not violate intellectual property rights of others.
After the Article is published in Social Technologies the Author shall have a right to make it public on personal website or on a website of an institution of affiliation, to reproduce it for non-commercial teaching or scholarly research purposes, clearly indicating that the primary source of its publication is Social Technologies.
This consent shall be considered invalid if the Editorial Board of the Social Technologies decides not to publish the Article.
Authors contributing to Social Technologies agree to publish their articles under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) Licence, allowing third parties to share their work (copy, distribute, transmit) and to adapt it, under the condition that the authors are given credit, and that in the event of reuse or distribution, the terms of this licence are made clear.
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