
Agota Giedrė Raišienė


Purpose. The goal of the paper is to discuss the potential benefits and to highlight the drawbacks of integrated management system for organizations that seek to improve management process.
Methodology. Methods of the research were used: analysis of a scientific and special literature that presents the requirements, models and results of integrated management systems studies, and analysis of statistical data to assess actuality of integrated management systems for enterprises in Lithuania.
Findings. Summarizing research findings, it should be stated that the implementation of management system integration should be based on provision of social responsibility and holistic approach to the organization. It requires the long-term united efforts of leaders in a strategic hierarchical level and high organizational maturity to ensure the fluency of the running stages of planning management system integration, preparing documentations, implementing and realizing integrated management system. Also it is necessary to purify the conception of integrated management system in organizational context. Theoretical analysis of integrated management systems show, that all of the management systems can not be well integrated in principle. They can only be partly integrated and coordinated. A need to question the level of integration of management systems is very important as in scientific discourse as in practice. It is important to mark, that the number of organizations, that seek to optimize management processes by implementing the integrated management systems is rapidly increasing in Lithuania, too. It shows that benefit associated with integration of management systems is apprehensible in Lithuania. Advantages of integrated management systems can certainly become even stronger if scientists and practicians join their forces in search of methods of organizational management development.
Research limitations. The research limitations related to a lack of integrated management systems implementation studies in Lithuanian scientific literature. That hinders the possibility to frame specific recommendations to the practicians in Lithuania.
Practical implications and value. In the contemporary world, coordination and supervision of management systems is a complex aim, which needs constant redesigning and innovations; organizations are challenged to optimize their management constantly. One of potentialities can be implementing an integrated management system. Traditionally, it consists of the quality management, employees’ health and safety management, social responsibility management and environmental protection management migration to one management system. As there is no international standard, that would submit unambiguous recommendations about ensuring the management system integration, every organization copes with this assignment on it‘s own. The paper gives value both to managers and to scientists who are interested in advantages and limitations of integrated management systems in general because of a generalized systemic approach to the research issue.
Research type: viewpoint and conceptual paper.

