
Agota Giedrė Raišienė Steponas Jonušauskas


Purpose of the article is theoretically and practically analyze the features of informal computer based communication in the context of organization’s technological resources.
Methodology—meta analysis, survey and descriptive analysis.
Findings. According to scientists, the functions of informal communication cover sharing of work related information, coordination of team activities, spread of organizational culture and feeling of interdependence and affinity. Also, informal communication widens the individuals’ recognition of reality, creates general context of environment between talkers, and strengthens interpersonal attraction. For these reasons, informal communication is desirable and even necessary in organizations because it helps to ensure efficient functioning of the enterprise. However, communicating through electronic channels suppresses informal connections or addresses them to the outside of the organization. So, electronic communication is not beneficial for developing ties in informal organizational network. The empirical research showed, that significant part of courts administration staff is prone to use technological resources of their office for informal communication. Representatives of courts administration choose friends for computer based communication much more often than colleagues (72% and 63%respectively). 93%of the research respondents use an additional e-mail box serviced by commercial providers for non work communication. High intensity of informal electronic communication with friends and familiars shows that workers of court administration are used to meet their psycho emotional needs outside the work place. The survey confirmed conclusion of the theoretical analysis: computer based communication is not beneficial for developing informal contacts between workers. In order for the informal communication could carry out its functions and technological recourses of organization would be used effectively, staff should be motivated to communicate directly face to face.
Research limitations—It can be reasonably suspected, that the real measure of informal communication with outside recipients is even higher, than the data of the research shows. In could be stipulated by the lack of analysis of other electronic communication mediums (e.g. video calls, social networks, internet forums, etc.).
Practical implications. The results of the research help to form a wider comprehension about features of organizational communication. Authors of the research state that if managers would pay more attention to the practice of employees’ informal and computer based communication, they would improve the usage of information technology resources.
Originality/Value—Informal electronic communication in Lithuania’s organizations had not been researched yet. The chosen subject is definitely new. On the other hand, deep penetration of computer-based communication in employees’ daily routine shows the relevancy of the topic.

