
Laura Gudelytė Olga Navickienė Aistė Valentinaitė


The purpose of this paper is to analyse the design (construction) of composite indices and the evaluation of composite indices for social phenomena based on indicators and their properties. In order to achieve this objective, the following tasks were set: an overview of the basics of the construction of indicators and their possible applications, the classification of advantages and disadvantages of evaluation systems, the composite indices and indicators applied in measuring characteristics of social phenomena; defining the impact of the data structure and quality of data on the coherence of composite indices applied in social technologies. The features and issues in designing the composite indices measuring the social phenomena were discussed. The main problems concerning the construction of composite indices applied evaluating social phenomena were classified. In addition, the dependence of coherence of composite indices on the used data and their structure was discussed in this paper.
This paper is useful for designing evaluation indices for social phenomena and assumptions on weighting of exogenous variables. It sets out the basic guidelines that can be developed in the future based on econometric approaches applied to statistical modelling of social phenomena.

