
Viktorija Stokaitė


The Chairman of the European Commission J.M Barroso, as the main “Europe 2020” strategic target for the upcoming ten years, indicates the creation of an innovative, stable and integrated economy. Higher education and business communication promotion and synergy are being dedicated as a prior target for all EU and EU member countries to be able to continue increasing employment, productivity, as well as social connections. The research of the enterprise and its stimulation in higher education (using higher education and business collaboration) is not deep enough, although the enterprise’s multiple phenomenon were analysed from many perspectives. It is being planned to raise EU’s investments to youth much more compared to other main parts of the budget in 2014-2020. Analysis of European Union documents and Lithuanian case studies was chosen on purpose according to the enterprise’s created added value for European development. Realization, creativity, initiative, motivation, taking risks, planning and reaching personal goals are the main parts of the enterprise. Development of these skills in higher education is becoming very important because of “the advantage of the competitiveness is being determined by country‘s social education therefore the effective usage of human recourses is the most important part seeking to increase stabile economical and social well being.” Research of the EU’s and Lithuania’s national documentation and scientific literature review of entrepreneurship in higher education identifies the current enterprise position in education. According to the analyses of the documentation and the scientific literature review, the enterprise’s evaluation level was appointed. The new beginning of the enterprise in higher education is being started after the research was done and centrepiece’s promotion was critically evaluated in the EU and Lithuania. In October, 2011 the committee of the EU created a new work group for enterprise promotion to create new guidelines for upcoming years. According to this, results of the research are being useful for the mechanism of enterprise promotion in higher education in Lithuania and EU. Higher education is the main entry in a growing country’s competitiveness in the long term and it is asking for new decisions to be made. Developing a knowledge society which is able to adjust to the fast changing world is hard to achieve, but it is necessary in trying to adapt to social reality, innovations and financial market needs. The question of enterprise policy is still painful for the whole EU and it is trying to find a common answer to be able to improve understanding which has a direct impact on personality development, job market, and innovative business stimulation and is creating a stronger role for young people in social and economical life.

