
Alvydas Baležentis Gintarė Paražinskaitė


Purpose—To fill the gap in the currently very rare discussion on the important topic of e-government research—design, development and usage of information and communication technologies for human resource management in the public sector and to formulate theoretical benchmarks for development of the government to employee (G2E) model.
Design/methodology/approach—Literature analysis of mostly empirical research from the field of government to government (G2G), government to citizen (G2C) and business to employee (B2E) was made. With the help of analogy method possible elements of model were described.
Findings—Analysis of literature gave a clearer understanding of thre G2E model, it’s possible stages and elements. Analogy methods helps to recognize which parts of other models can be adopted for the G2E model. The results of the review of literature on this theme and the given conclusions provide a strong background for the G2E research roadmap on the international as well as national level.
Research limitations/implications—Article is based on theoretical analysis of theoretical and empirical researches.
Practical implications, originality/Value—This article fills the gap in literature and prognoses future research directions.

