
Asta Railienė Loreta Žadeikaitė


The article deals with the results of an expert survey designed to evaluate an alternatively chosen content of a social pedagogical study programme aimed at developing the competences of vocational advisers. The main tasks of the research were to validate the construction of an alternative social pedagogical study programme aimed at developing the competences of vocational advisers and to reveal experts’ attitude towards such alternative study programmes. The authors of the article provide a detailed analysis of the results of the expert interview related to the following aspects of the evaluation of the model for the development of the competences of vocational advisers in preparing social educators: the link with a social pedagogical study programme, the validity of competences, logical links between the validity of competences, study aims, study content and study achievements. On the basis of survey results, it is recommended to apply the model of an alternative aimed at developing the competences of vocational advisers in updating study programmes and modelling a new career planning bachelor study programme providing for the preparation of marketable specialists in the current labour market.

