
Jolanta Pivorienė Daiva Mikalauskaitė


The article discusses the development of social security system in Lithuania at the end of XIX c. and at the beginning of XX c. The country had three different periods of governance: Russian Tsar (1795-1915 m.), German occupation (1915-1918 m.) and Independent Lithuania (1918-1939 m.). Each period influenced the development of social security system in Lithuania.
The main social problems, institutions responsible for their solutions and the main legal documents of all three periods are analysed in the article.
Two types of dominating social problems of these periods could be differentiated. There were social problems relevant to all periods, such as begging, prostitution, and epidemics. However, each period had specific social problems, such as the flow of refugees after the First World War, returning from exile and others.
Russian and German governments established various state institutions, which were responsible for social problems solutions in the country. Nevertheless, they were not able to improve social situation in Lithuania.
The first successful attempts were made in Independent Lithuania. Government passed important legal acts and founded state bodies for social security protection.
Different governments made various efforts in order to better social situation in the country and shaped development of social security system in Independent Lithuania period.

