
Elisa Susanti Ridho Harta Bambang Agus Diana Sawitri Budi Utami


The Smart Village Nusantara project in Indonesia indicates the existence of digital transformation that includes the involvement of several stakeholders: the government, the private sector, and the community. However, there remain few comprehensive models that explain the bottom-up demand process and integrative approach, and few previous studies have produced evidence-based data on digital village transformation. The purpose of this study is to produce a co-production model of digital village transformation. In coproduction, various stakeholders are involved in the transformative process. The concepts of co-production and community-based digital village development are elaborated in this study, which employs a grounded theory approach as a method, involving both citizen producers and users as participants. This study elucidates a co-production model for digital village transformation, with several aspects outlined: context, stakeholders, co-production process/activities, institutional design, output, and outcome. The development of local potential, in this case tourism, is one of the driving factors for digital village transformation. At the level of assistance from professional actors, co-production in the Smart Village Nusantara project in Indonesia has succeeded in providing the foundation for the early stages of digital transformation. Meanwhile, sustainability also remains a challenge for the purpose of achieving a higher stage of digital village transformation.


Public Management