About the Journal

Aim. International Comparative Jurisprudence (ICJ) focuses on comparative studies of legal theory, regulation, and practice, and provides a forum for the exchange of research-based solutions.
Scope of publication. The journal is open for the contributions of the doctrinal and empirical research in: (i) Philosophy of Law; (ii) International Law; (iii) Public Law; (iv) Private Law.
Publishing regularity. Journal publishes 2 issues per year. One issue is published in June and one in December, with a set of minimum 6 and maximum 12 articles per issue. As well, under the decision of the Editorial Board special issues may be published.
Peer review. Submitted articles are reviewed by applying the double-blind method (the identities of the author(s) and reviewers are kept unknown). Each article is appointed at least two referees (scientists with a degree in the relevant field).
Indexation. The academic journal International Comparative Jurisprudence is included in the Scopus, Heinonline, EBSCO Publishing, Inc., DOAJ, C.E.E.O.L. international databases.
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