
Antanas Buracas


Last year, the continuing pandemic crisis, attention to new fields and approaches to the intellectually innovative economics requested renewal of the Editing Board of the IE, extending of the geographical participation of the new intellectuals, more of them from the CEE universities associated with development of the AI a/o brain chain technologies. We invite more active participation of new partners when editing the following issues of the Intellectual Economics and expect more detailed transformation of all the institutional system of socio-economic researches and studies in Lithuania; it begun just several years ago. Both are helpful to give further special attention to their integration with professional competencies and talent efficiency developments in surrounding sustainable growth.
In the current issue, the Intellectual Economics presented its attention to the prevailing methodical problemic achievements concerning: a) analytics of the banking sector and e-commerce with their developments; and the b) the profitability of management and operational policy, especially within the SME. Traditionally attracting methodological attention, the financial investment sophistications are supporting the main part of this issue. The impact of hyperinflation on investments and financial results are presented in O. Tamimi’s and I. Orban article. Comparative evaluations of bank non-performing loans to total gross loans ratio for the wide range of countries, when applying necessary credit risk measures, help to expand statistical approaches to changing context of bank competition (I. Yagli). The wide publications are compared on the topic, some of which not being new, but partly applicable for historical review of statistical measures. The actual topic within pandemia crisis of unfair competition in E-commerce market (L. Sukarmi) is reviewed on Indonesian data. The different attitudes concerning nonfinancial gender diversity evaluations (on disclosures within the NASDAQ OMX Baltic Stock exchange) are presented by I. Zumente and N. Lace.
In the field of managerial methodology, it would be important to mention the problemic approach to sustainable development institutionalization through standardization (O. Diadiun a/o). The behavioral biases in investment decision making with account of investor’s type (S. Ullah a/o). Also the following article is focused on investment determinants as a drivers of economic growth (O. Mykytiuk a/o); some new approaches to investment policy in dairy industry (in Ukraine, O.Grishnova a/o) finishes this issue.
We expect that new approaches and analytical innovations featured will attract our readers to exchange their ideas among ours provided across these researches concerning developing modern economic view of new technologies.

