
Eglė Kazlauskienė Ilona Bartuševičienė


In recent years, the aspect of trust in the context of inter-organizational relationship has deserved an increased attention from foreign scientists. The importance of investigation has been shown by a growing number of publications on the role of trust in international relations. The interest in this field of study, on the one hand, was determined by the changes in the business environment. The abundance of information, the appearance of network organizations, dynamics of environment conditions and the need for innovations lead the companies to a greater or smaller trust in business partners. Another reason lies in the positive effect of trust for successful interorganizational relationship. The trust in an organization also means trust in its people working in this organization. It affects the fact that the assesment of trust in business partners can be related to the highlighting of the aspects of psychology as well as behavior of the individuals. On the other hand, this evaluation may be related to the identification of the trust evaluation criteria (both in the level of individuals and organizations) and determination of the reasons of trust formation.

