
Aurelija Pūraitė


The twentieth century has brought the tremendous development of multilateral or global agreements regarding global environmental challenges. The growth of the international environmental legal regulation requires the increase of institutionalization in the governance of legal and administrative mechanisms of international environmental law, consequently the number of different international organizations acting in the fields of negotiation, adoption, implementation, and enforcement of the rules, are being established during last twenty – thirty years. However, despite the impressive development of international environmental regulation there is still no single institution or organization that would play a role of the supervisor or would have the authorization of the highest hierarchical institution. Nonetheless, international environmental organizations may contribute to the legislation processes and implementation of international environmental law. They may raise concern about certain environmental problems, share information, present reports, lobby governmental actors to take actions on international environmental policy issues, act as an implementation and enforcement subjects of the multilateral or regional environmental agreements. Therefore the object of the research is the impact of the activity of international environmental institutions on development and
implementation of international environmental law. The objective of this research therefore is to disclose the system of international environmental organizations and to analyze the impact of international environmental institutions on international environmental law.

