
Algirdas Muliarčikas Edmundas Štarevičius


The most likely less duration of psychomotor reaction is significantly important specification which allows to preclude the possibility of any unpleasant results in private life and to achieve good results in a sport. Both simple and complex (choice) reaction time is particularly significant for the practice of civil service officers. In extreme conditions they should react quickly to avoid a stab, disarm and arrest an offender of public order, protect citizens’ health or even life from potential threat and avoid injuries themselves. As a result, future police officers have got some few special courses of study and one of them is Combat Self-defence. The aim of this article is to find out the influence of Combat Self-defence studies on the variation of students’ simple and complex reaction time. The variation of psychomotor (simple and complex) reaction rates of students (men and women) has been analysed during the period of eight months of Combat Self-defence studies.

