The article juxtaposes the conceptions of sustainable development and holistic democracy. The doctrine of sustainable development is one of the most solid and complex development projects of the contemporary world, which includes not only the economic, social and ecological spheres of society’s life, but also technological progress, cultural transformation of humanity and a change in the paradigm of international cooperation. The article presents the philosophy of this doctrine, which integrates politics and anthropology. Although the concept of holistic democracy was created earlier by expatriate Lithuanian thinkers, although it does not have an ecological dimension, its other essential conceptual elements are basically connected with the achievements of the doctrine of sustainable development. This becomes clear when examining A. Maceina’s principles of the value and the priority of human person and of the international political community. Both doctrines are united by the same concern for social justice, which integrates the subjective part of human consciousness and is able to turn it into a source of objective social norms.
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