
Andrius Gintalas


This article starts from the interpretation of the conception of the methodology. Different authors methodology understand in different ways. Firstly, methodology is explained as a science of methods and the relationship between them. Secondly, methodology is understood as technique. Thirdly, methodology is a science of the activity organization. Fourthly, methodology is understood as a justification of scientific research, i.e. correctly
formed topic, hypothesis, and so on. The second chapter analyses the scientific method. There is disclosed its concept,
significance, features (such as objective, development, subjective, axiological, complexity), as well as its structure (characterized by the following elements: manner, instrument, operation, procedure, approach). Each of these concepts has a different meaning, so in order to understand what method means, it is necessary to understand the essence of these concepts. Approach of method depends on its object and the stage of the scientific research.

