
Jolanta Sondaitė


Family disputes are one of the major growth areas for mediation in USA, Canada and many European countries. Mediation is just starting to be used in Lithuania. The first exeprimental court mediation project was ratified in 2005. Mediation is going to be tendered in civil cases. Nevertheless family mediation was not distinguished as a special service.
In this article we made an attempt to analyse experience of foreign countries in the family mediation and to consider psychological aspects of family mediation. Analysis of literature helped to formulate suggestions for family mediation model in Lithuania. It is important to inform those seeking legal aid in family disputes about the availability of family mediation. It is important to include psychologists, social work specialists not only lawyers in preparation of family mediation programs. State service model of family mediation is more suitable for Lithuania.
Family mediation is more able to satisfy needs of the clients and their children than traditional court processes.

