
R. Rulinawati Lukman Samboteng Andi Wijaya Mashuri H. Tahili Rahmawati Halim


Routine Dynamics has emerged as a potential action pattern within public organizations. In truth, there is a relationship between trust-based governance and collaborative innovation in developing Routine Dynamics in public organizations. This study aims to analyze the relationship between trust-based governance and collaborative innovation regarding the Routine Dynamics of public organizations in Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The research uses quantitative analysis in the form of structural equation modelling on a research sample of 120 people. The study shows that trust-based governance and collaborative innovation have a significant relationship with Routine Dynamics in public organizations. The research also shows that there is a relationship between trust-based governance and collaborative innovation. Meanwhile, Routine Dynamics will better serve  as a new perspective in public organizations to improve trust-based governance and collaborative innovation. Finally, the authors argue that the greater the level of achievement of trust-based governance and collaborative innovation, the easier it will be to develop the implementation of Routine Dynamics in public organizations.


Development of Public Administration