
M. Mas'ud Said


Currently, it is widely considered that the government is being left behind by private informal information institutions, non-governmental broadcasting institutions, and netizens on social media. Thus, this study aims to analyze the government’s organizational and institutional information dissemination systems. Their mutual needs are also analyzed in this study. Although several previous researchers have carried out studies within the scope of this research, a missing element must be added in order to upgrade the efficiency of the government’s information and communication dissemination systems. Moreover, this study showcases that the initiation of a public information dissemination strategy in East Java has been carried out at the implementation stage, with preliminary problems in coordinating data and information on one platform that addresses both stakeholders and shareholders. Therefore, synergy between institutions and a more integrated public information dissemination system is needed. This study employs the documentation, visitation, and interview methods under the umbrella of qualitative research in order to collect data.


Globalization and Public Administration