
Irvinas Kairys


The qualitative survey by interviewing 6 famous Lithuanian experts show that Lithuanian assistance provided to Eastern region in the field of health care has been quite significant. Lithuanian experts declare Lithuania as an example for the Eastern region states. Russian language and similar historical background also experience in health policy facilitates cooperation. The support in every case was given by both public and private sector. Almost in all cases funding came from international organizations (except for university cooperation). Corruption and opaque relationships coupled with poor health management are the main difficulties to provide quick and effective assistance to Eastern region states. The main obstacles also are: poor medical management, uneffectively used human and capital resources, the unwillingness of improving the knowledge and skills. Lithuanian government‘s interest in the assistance to health care for Eastern region is too small. More attention and international cooperation for example in conferences, seminars and training courses and more efficient cross-border cooperation can be recommended in future. That can improve cross-border co-operation with the Eastern region, focusing not only on economic and security issues, but taking into account the perspective of a healthy neighborhood.

