
Ernesta Remeikaitė Gintarė Petronytė


This article focuses on the implementation of telemedicine services in the healthcare sector. The objective of the study is to assess patients’ attitudes towards home health care services using telemedicine tools. The cross sectional survey of 279 patients, aged 40–76 years and registered in Vilniaus Seskines polyclinic, was performed in September – November, 2013. Based on the results, patients are not sufficiently informed about the implementation of e-health, including telemedicine services in the health care system. Although patients tend to use home health care services using telemedicine tools, however, indirect communication with a doctor remains unacceptable for patients; therefore, they are less likely to use telemedicine services related to diagnostics, treatment and health monitoring. Moreover, patients are concerned about the positive changes in health care access and its quality, health information security, medical mistakes, discomfort with telemedicine tools and lack skills to use them, individual finance investment in telemedicine tools.

